Did Easter Let You Down?
How was your Easter? On Easter, Pastors often feel like the manager of a Pizza Hut on Super Bowl Sunday. And if each of us "clergy type" is honest we feel a self-imposed pressure to make Easter "better than ever." What's more, as our kids search for Easter eggs on Easter afternoon, that not even those who hid them can find, we all feel a little disappointed. The service didn't live up to our expectations, or the perceived expectations of others. Brothers and sisters, the point of Easter is not dresses and suits, eggs and chocolate, or special music and knock it out of the park sermons! The point of Easter is not even the worship gathering that celebrates it (although, Christians should make gathering to worship a priority). Brothers and sisters, the point of Easter is that Jesus was crucified and buried for our sins and was raised to life three days later! This cannot be improved upon. This cannot be leveraged for the purpose of increasing attendance at a local church. Jesus really was dead and now he really is alive. If this is really true, whatever disappointed you this past Sunday DOES NOT MATTER, because the implication of Easter is this. God is not disappointed with you. Paul puts it this way.
The words “it was credited to him” were written not for him alone, but also for us, to whom God will credit righteousness—for us who believe in him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead. He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification. (Romans 4:23–25, NIV)
You are not a let down. You are accepted.
This is one implication of Jesus' resurrection. He was raised to life that we might be justified. What does Paul mean by the word, "justified?" Of the many things this word means, let's emphasize two. First, when Paul says believers are justified he means we are considered faithful members of the covenant family. Throughout the New Testament, the problem facing local congregations is the relationship between Jewish and Gentile believers. Who are the true people of God? "Who are the true children of Abraham? Paul's answer is that membership belongs to all who believe the gospel of Jesus, whatever their racial or moral background" (N.T. Wright). Among the people God is saving there are no disappointments. No lesser-than or greater- than. We are all one in Jesus Christ. God has rendered the verdict of faithful over everyone who believes the good news concerning Jesus. Second, the foundation of God's verdict of faithfulness is Jesus' death for sinners and his resurrection from the dead. In other words, Jesus exhausted the curse that was in the way of his promised blessing (Galatians 3.10-14), and with the curse no longer operative, Jesus' resurrection paves the way for all who are united to him to be welcomed by the Father (Romans 4.23-25).What is causing you disappointment post-Easter? What is making you feel like a disappointment? Believe the truth of Easter that Jesus was raised to life that you might have your disappointments buried and hear the welcoming and loving and life-giving voice of your Heavenly Father! Brothers and sisters this is a message that cannot be improved!
Click here to download and listen to our Easter message at Somonauk Baptist Church.
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