This morning we read Hebrews 13.7-16, but I usually find myself reading the passages that precede and follow. Three times in Hebrews 13 the author mentions church leaders (Hebrews 13.7, 17 and 24).
I was struck by this first appearance.
Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith (Heb 13.7, NIV).
Here we are instructed to remember our leaders, to call them to mind and consider the nature of their lives. Who are these leaders? They are those who spoke the Word of God to us and whose way of life and faith is worthy of imitation. Are we speaking God’s Word to people? Are we listening to leaders who speak God’s Word? These are questions with which we are familiar. The relationships that are described here are simply relationships of speaking and listening and tend to stay relatively safe. The author of Hebrews, however, will not allow us only to relate to each other through speaking and hearing – preaching and sitting – teaching and learning. This leader/follower dynamic is one that assumes are lives will be open to each other. We will know about each other’s faith … our struggles … our lifestyles … our disciplines … our sins … our victories. He encourages us to welcome leaders into our lives, to not keep them at a distance and to know them so well that we recognize the outcome of their lives, that is, the destination to which their lives are headed. This means we will know each other so well that we will know the results of the consistent or inconsistent choices that are made.
Are we speaking God’s Word to each other?
Are we investing in relationships where God’s Word is consistently spoken?
Are our lives open to each other in such a way that our unique life of faith is recognizable?
May the Spirit of God convince us to speak the Word of God to each other and to live lives of transparent faith that is worthy of imitation.