How long, O LORD, until you bring peace in our violence?
How long, O LORD, until you bring justice into our injustice?
How long, O LORD, until you bring healing into our brokenness?
How long, O LORD, until you bring generosity in our greed?
How long, O LORD, until you bring love to overwhelm our hatred?
How long, O LORD, until your people refuse to use their freedom as an excuse to condone evil.
How long, O LORD, until Jesus returns and all is made new?
How long, O LORD? How long? How long?
At this moment we remember before you the 28 victims of tragic violence in Newtown, CT. Have mercy on all who grieve. Give peace to the family of the gunman. Show kindness to Sandy Hook Elementary School - to teachers, parents, administrators and staff.
Enable the church of Jesus Christ to mediate the peacemaking presence of Jesus to a world bent on violence.
Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy. Lord mercy.