Thursday, September 29, 2011

Mission Month 2011 Pastoral Letter

The phrase “disciple-making church” is redundant. The church of Jesus Christ exists for a very simple reason, to make disciples of all nations. When we turn our backs on this purpose we turn our backs on Jesus, the one to whom all authority has been given.

The church does not exist to restore the family. The church does not exist to preserve the moral order. The church does not exist to promote any political party’s agenda. The church does not exist to host worship gatherings. The church exists, plain and simple, to make disciples (i.e. devoted followers) of Jesus. This purpose may be plain and simple, but it is also world changing.

I believe God is beginning a momentous work within our midst. I believe he is directing us to rediscover who we are and what he wants us to be. This process will produce a refreshing simplicity of knowing that God wants us to be nothing more and nothing less than a family that makes disciples.

The aim of Mission Month 2011 is to remind us of the international emphasis of our disciple-making agenda. The Lord Jesus instructs us to make disciples of all nations. This adventure of seeing men and women and boys and girls become disciples from every tribe, tongue and nation will shape all that we do as a church family, even the seemingly insignificant things. In Romans 14 and 15, Paul is directing us to accept and welcome those who are different from us and the motivation behind this instruction is the Lord Jesus who:

…became a servant to the circumcised to show God’s truthfulness, in order to confirm the promises given to the patriarchs, and in order that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy (Rom 15.8-9a).

This final phrase serves as the theme for Mission Month 2011, because in it we are reminded that as Jesus was motivated to be a selfless servant “in order that Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy,” we too must be encouraged as individuals and as a church family to be selfless servants so disciples can be made from every tribe, tongue and nation. May the grace of God in the example of Christ lead us to a renewed energy to selflessly serve a church that exists in simplicity to make disciples of all nations.

Grace and Peace,
Pastor David